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An evolving project

The program available to you is the first version; improvements and modifications may be introduced. Please use Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.to make suggestions or ask questions. They will greatly help to improve the material.
The parents’ role of responsibility in educating their children
Parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. No educational program, neither this one nor any other course of affective-sexual education should be used without their knowledge and approval.
In this first phase of the project, the web page is constructed and designed for educators (parents, teachers, catechists…). We recommend that its access by adolescents be supervised and accompanied by an educator.
Beginning with the Introduction to the course
Before using these materials, it is advisable to carefully read the entire introduction of the book and the contents of the educator’s book. A proper moral and pedagogical formation would be useful in teaching this and other courses of affective-sexual education.
This would make it easier to understand better the goal that the program intends to reach through its different dynamics and materials, and it could consequently be correctly and effectively implemented.
How to use the film section
This section includes scenes from movies or ads that the educator can use as a resource in the transmission of certain concepts. However, the inclusion of these scenes does not imply that the whole movie has to be seen; nor it is a solicitation to buy products that may appear in the ads.

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This course, "The Meeting Point: The Adventure of Love" intends to offer an educational path in love that helps young people discover the beauty of mutual self-giving and the pursuit of happiness through the gift of body and spirit. Through body language, sexuality and emotions are revealed as dynamics for living fully in daily life.

You who are young, begin walking along the path of the Adventure of Love! 

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God, origin and destiny of humanity. This is the first step on the itinerary that our youth are going to complete. They will learn to look at themselves, and to define themselves as persons based on the observation, amazement and experience of themselves. They will come to know and guide their intelligence, will, desires, affections, and spirituality. They will accept their own body and recognize it as an expression of them as a person, where the origin and destiny of every man and woman is inscribed.
The meeting with the other, with “YOU”, helps our youth to get to know themselves better and to secure their identity.
They will learn to recognize that sexuality speaks of a difference: man and woman, which conditions the whole person.
Our affective dimension is also determined by sexuality. They will learn to recognize their affections and to direct them towards the order of love.
The ME and YOU that enter into a relationship can do this in different ways thanks to the fact that we have been endowed with freedom. The history of each person still remains to be written.
This freedom has been given to us as a gift. It must be nourished, formed and ripened, so that, when we bring it into play, we may know how to make our lives and the lives of others more beautiful, since it is in Love, in the image of our Creator, that we find "True Freedom". 
In this step it is important for the youth to recognize the transcendence of good choices.
We will help them to delve into the difficulty of choosing what is best for them, and discuss how sin wounds the heart.
They will learn to recognize these wounds and the tools to prevent them, which are grace and the virtues.
The good news is that these wounds are not incurable. God, in His Son Jesus Christ, is the doctor capable of healing our wounds with the best medicine: love. 
This unit delves into the moral dimension of the person. It presents morality to the youth as a help along the way, rather than a burden.
They will come to recognize the moral dimension  as a constitutive part of themselves, and to see how their acts have consequences for themselves and for others, since their acts can either be morally good or morally evil.
They will walk along the path of the value of life and human dignity.
The last step of this itinerary is that of discovering love as a personal vocation, as the answer to a call.
The youth will come to recognize love as a path with different stages, and to know that there is no rush in reaching the finish line. What is important is to arrive there without skipping over any part of the path, and to recognize when love is true.
Love, which is personal, is made concrete in marriage, and for this reason courtship is a bridge on the path of love toward the mutual donation of oneself in marriage. Priesthood and the consecrated life are also a personal response to this first love.