000 ELDE LINnar EE8800


The tent roof

This unit delves into the moral dimension of the person. It presents morality to the youth as a help along the way, rather than a burden.

They will come to recognize the moral dimension  as a constitutive part of themselves, and to see how their acts have consequences for themselves and for others, since their acts can either be morally good or morally evil.

They will walk along the path of the value of life and human dignity.

• What does the world offer me? Analysis of the mentality and modus vivendi that predominate in society today.
• The morality in my heart: the moral fact in me.
• The sources of morality: analysis of the integrative elements of the moral act: object, end, intention and circumstances. The morally good act. Why doesn’t the end justify the means?
• Where do I look for the greater good? Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, source of life in abundance.
• The filiation
• The loss of one’s own dignity and life.
• The end does not justify the means.
• What am I seeking with my actions?
• Do my actions have consequences?
• I am a child: right or gift?
• Can I lose my dignity? My life?
• “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly” (Jn 10:10).
• The dignity of the human person. Analysis and definition. Current threats against human dignity: culture of death vs. culture of life. Need for the sense of God to recover lost dignity.
• The family, sanctuary of life.

000 ELDE LINnar EE8800

500 unidad 5 300x200WORKING MATERIAL
The tent roof 
000 ELDE LINazu 019EAF